
Here’s the downloadable scorecard from Help Yourself

Checking off your goals as you achieve them can be a powerful motivator. Think of the scorecard as a way to track the foods that are important to eat from the perspective of your microbes. (It doesn’t mean that you can’t eat other foods that aren’t on the scorecard, just that it doesn’t matter to score them. The goal isn’t perfection or sticking to this every day, but rather a way to see incremental progress over time. Some days it’ll be easy to stay on track; others, it won’t. That’s normal. Even two servings of vegetables a day makes a difference for your gut microbes.

TIP: Right-click the image to save it to your desktop.

scorecard PDF.jpg

Each color represents a level, and each box counts for one serving. You’re aiming to check the boxes at the level you’re at. If you are going for the Beginner level, then check off all the yellow boxes. At Intermediate, check the yellow and the red. Pro, yellow red, and green. Boot-camp level, go for all the colored boxes. Anything you get beyond that is great!


help yourself cookbook scorecard tier list
help yourself cookbook scorecard serving sizes